
Showing posts from July, 2021

Hospital and Karma Ayurveda for Kidney Failure Treatment

Hey dear readers, I hope you all doing wonderful and exploring your knowledge by reading other experiences and point of views, etc. Here, I am going to share my life story with you all that would be beneficial. Myself Kamal Saroj and I live in Delhi though my grandparents were from Bihar. My father moved to this city in very early age and then created necessary resources for our survival here. I was doing a business of garage where many people were working. My business was helping me get a good earning but I had to spend over 10-12 hours a day in my office. But I got used to of it. Due to sitting nature of my job, I got diabetes but took it lightly as others do. I was busy in my business and time passed too quickly. After some time, I started developing some health problems that were not going even after taking medicines. Then I met an experienced doctor in my known. Knowing about my condition, the doctor told me that to take some medical tests to check the actual reason behind my heal